Thursday, March 10, 2011

State of the Art on Exhibition Design

Exhibition design is crucial for the artist in how they present their latest work. If the exhibition set design isn't appealing it won't grab the attention of the art goers. Top museums like the MoMA and Metropolitan believe that the artist's work cannot be presented without a planned design and setup. Each exhibition carries a certain flow from one piece to another, which is what gives the pieces exhibited a much better status. The MoMA recently had one of Andy Warhol’s exhibits displayed. It was his Pop Art collection of work and he had a more private exhibit held on the 6th floor. It was his film of a long and passionate kiss. You walk up and you enter down this long dark hallway and you enter the room where the film is played and it is projected on a big white wall. The way the hallway led up to the film helped to make the piece even more exciting to witness, which is why the art of set design and display are so important.

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