Sunday, March 13, 2011

Second Interview

Name: Troy Smith

Troy was my coach for four years while I was with Sagamore Rowing Association. He is still coaching in Oyster Bay, NY. He is originally from Lincoln, Nebraska. His first job was as a local paper boy. He went to the University of Nebraska where he majored in Fine Arts. I asked him a bunch of random questions to see what sort of answers I would get. So I asked him what his childhood dream was and he responded "to design video games." When he was little he was really into PacMan and Dig Dug, which is where his inspiration came from. He told me that his favorite memory was when he travelled through Turkey for 3 months. He said he enjoyed meeting up with old friends and learning about a different culture and trying to pick up the language. I asked him what are some of his interests and he said woodwork and his dogs. He has two dogs. He said he loves the two shows, Spartacus and Breaking Bad. He told me his favorite movie is "Shawshank Redemption." I figured he would pick a movie I had never heard of. His favorite quote is, "Never expect to find anything, if you haven't lost something." I'm not sure who said that, but i'm guessing he made it up. Troy is also living with his girlfriend, Debbie and their daughter Rose on Long Island.

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