Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sidewalk Chalk? It's Illegal in Australia!

I read an article about the banning of sidewalk chalk in a cafe in Nunawading, Australia. After I read this I laughed because it's just ridiculous. If a parent is worried about their kid accidentally stumbling into traffic isn't it the parent's fault for not watching their child? To me, this is just a naive and unfair ban. This better not influence the U.S. to do the same because I would fight for kid's benefit.

Goals, Aspirations and Wants

Be a Fashion Photographer
Have a variety of Cameras
Work for Christian Louboutin Shoes
Work for Cosmopolitan
Work for Vogue
Work for W Magazine
Work for Chanel
Work for Seventeen
Have a home by a park so I can always watch Summer turn to Fall in the trees
Go far with coaching in Rowing

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Second Interview

Name: Troy Smith

Troy was my coach for four years while I was with Sagamore Rowing Association. He is still coaching in Oyster Bay, NY. He is originally from Lincoln, Nebraska. His first job was as a local paper boy. He went to the University of Nebraska where he majored in Fine Arts. I asked him a bunch of random questions to see what sort of answers I would get. So I asked him what his childhood dream was and he responded "to design video games." When he was little he was really into PacMan and Dig Dug, which is where his inspiration came from. He told me that his favorite memory was when he travelled through Turkey for 3 months. He said he enjoyed meeting up with old friends and learning about a different culture and trying to pick up the language. I asked him what are some of his interests and he said woodwork and his dogs. He has two dogs. He said he loves the two shows, Spartacus and Breaking Bad. He told me his favorite movie is "Shawshank Redemption." I figured he would pick a movie I had never heard of. His favorite quote is, "Never expect to find anything, if you haven't lost something." I'm not sure who said that, but i'm guessing he made it up. Troy is also living with his girlfriend, Debbie and their daughter Rose on Long Island.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Creating a Personal Logo:

File: New (Letter Size)
File: Place (Image)
Select Pen Tool
Set Stroke and Fill
- No fill
- Stroke = Black
Using the Pen tool draw what you want out of your original picture
Click the picture, then click delete. This will create a black outline of what you mapped out
Select figure, then click Fill box (Black)
Effects: Stylize - Round Corners ( .139 suggested number)

State of the Art on Exhibition Design

Exhibition design is crucial for the artist in how they present their latest work. If the exhibition set design isn't appealing it won't grab the attention of the art goers. Top museums like the MoMA and Metropolitan believe that the artist's work cannot be presented without a planned design and setup. Each exhibition carries a certain flow from one piece to another, which is what gives the pieces exhibited a much better status. The MoMA recently had one of Andy Warhol’s exhibits displayed. It was his Pop Art collection of work and he had a more private exhibit held on the 6th floor. It was his film of a long and passionate kiss. You walk up and you enter down this long dark hallway and you enter the room where the film is played and it is projected on a big white wall. The way the hallway led up to the film helped to make the piece even more exciting to witness, which is why the art of set design and display are so important.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dah! Excitement!

This made me extremely excited because they have found a new attachment for past photography methods that is made of plastic that can be used with a new camera. This makes me happy because now I can explore all the different kinds of methods there are without being constricted to the newer methods and techniques!

First Interview:
Name: Amanda Kane
Age: 19

She is currently a student at Long Island University studying to be an English teacher. She's a very sweet person and one of the most polite people I have ever met. She lives with her parents, Barbara (Bobby) and Cliff, her fiance, Matt, and their new baby, Jett. She hopes to teach English at a local High School near Oyster Bay. Amanda was a US Rowing Champion for Sagamore Rowing Association in High School.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tweet Tweets

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Laptop....MEET MY FACE!
12 hours ago

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Jennifer Rubell is AWESOME. New Idol. I can't remember if she was the artist we discussed in my Art History class last semester.
12 hours ago

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Two cars dove in front of me today, my classes dragged extremely long, I'm exhausted and my feet are sore (stupid shoes). It was a good day?
12 hours ago

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Spending the weekend with my sister, Jess, her husband, Tony and the BAMBINI, Rocky <3
20 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
I want to carry my suitcase, not be shoved in one..
20 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Putting a gun to better use rather than for violence.
12 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
It's funny how people will make the weirdest accusations for things they cannot explain.
12 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
It's so cold I think I'll wear 10 layers of sweats today. Sounds like a plan, Stan.
10 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Yesterday I had three encounters with people who were flat out rude..
10 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
I keep forgetting about Twitter. I'm not a big fan of "tweeting."
6 Feb

stephanieols Stephanie Anne
Today was the first day of my Computer Graphics class. It went well, but I'm nervous about one of the projects.
1 Feb

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


When I first saw this, I honestly didn't see the spaceship right away. I stood back and thought, "This has to be a joke." I don't really see the art in practically playing with your food like that. When we grow up we're constantly yelled at for making waffle houses out of our breakfast or pushing our food around until it's mushy and looks like it was regurgitated. It's a different thing if you use food like Jennifer Rubell. She uses art in a unique way where she takes large amounts of different kinds of food and uses it with a fun and interesting twist. In one of her exhibitions she made an entire room out of pink cotton candy.