Thursday, February 3, 2011


February 3, 2011

In photoshop we learned how to crop our pictures to a specific size.
We also learned the terminology for the light areas and dark areas of a photo. The light areas are highlights and the dark areas are shadows. We briefly discussed how to change the lightness and darkness in a photo and how to use curves.

We also discussed how to speak while presenting. The presenter should engage their audience by using eye contact, speaking in an upbeat and enthusiastic tone, asking their audience if they have any questions or would like to comment, and the presenter should not look at the powerpoint presentation if they have one projected.

I am mostly looking forward to working with photoshop. I have used photoshop before for photography projects outside of school. I have it on my laptop, so I am familiar with what we did today.

I added the picture above because I thought it was funny. =)

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