Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lost Technology Through the Ages?

How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?

I know this wasn't one of the sites we were supposed to visit, but I found this article really interesting. I've always found Ancient Egypt to be fascinating ever since I was a kid. This morning, my sister, Jackie said she had watched the movie, "The Fourth Kind," which is about, as IMDB describes, "An ongoing unsolved mystery in Alaska, where one town has seen an extraordinary number of unexplained disappearances during the past 40 years and there are accusations of a federal cover up." She said after she was scarred by the movie she stayed up until 4 am. watching a scifi show about the Wonders of the World. The show explored the suspicions of how they came to be. She continued to say that they were created by Aliens. I thought that was crazy because that would mean that Pyramids were created by aliens and not Egyptians, which I didn't believe to be true. I researched it and I found a few articles, but this one stood out to me because it stated how scientists found pyramids to be built and how it has been proven in some ways. I learned that 20,000 to 30,000 workers were paid in tax breaks to build the pyramids and statues of the pharaohs we see in Egypt today. Some were suspicious because The Notre Dame Cathedral took almost 200 years to construct. Whereas the pyramids were to take no longer than 23 years to build, which some believed to be impossible.

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