Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mubarak Speaks


I read this short post on boingboing.com and it was about the massive protests in Egypt and Egypt's president Hosni Mobarak. He announced that he will not be running for president after 30 years. Egyptians were happy that his 30 year run was finally over, but they do not want him to remain in the country. Protestors said they will continue to protest unless Mobarak flees. Mobarak stated that he will not leave and he will remain in Egypt until he dies. On the news, he apparently said he wanted his son to run, but our president, Obama sent word to Mobarak that his son should not run because Egyptians are unhappy with the direction Egypt has been going in. I'm honestly angry about all of this because Americans who were currently in Egypt were rushed out of Cairo's airport and Obama advises that he does not want anyone traveling to or through Egypt at this time. I have been planning on going to Egypt since I was a kid for my 21st birthday and I have a strong feeling that these political and social problems will not be resolved by the time my birthday comes next winter.

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